i addned the texture beacuse its really important , in the drawing beacause it brings real life looking and better looking for the viewer. it gaves it a live picture looking .
the way i use positive and negative space in my picture , the positive is the colorful place like the pink in the black sheet, and ,negative by the draker places.
i was able to achieve depth in the print , beacause of the texture and and the ideas i put into the print, it doesnt really matter if it looks good , what matters the affort i put into it.
my experience with Printmaking was pretty fun and learned alot og things, my obstacles and advantages
my obstacles were that i had a hard time , drawing and do the other things , my adavatages was that i learn alot of things
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
working on the clalk muarl and working in a team was the best, because in the team we all could share ideas as a team and help each other as the best we could.
the inportance working as a team was that we could share ideas and tell eacher other '' oh your doing this wrong or your doing a great job "
the project was succesful beacuse we could , do what we were suppose to do and enjoying the project every single piece of it.
i felt GREAT working with others because is even better becasue you have people that will haelp you and share awsome ideas with the group .
the texture is imporant bacause it gaves the picture real life looking, and more looking like a real life anmial then a cartoon anmial
the reason one has to have serveal references of each animal and each background because one can have a idea of how it will look and be and to visal every as one is drawing it.
the way i can tell which one is the best drawing is be looking at the texture, does it look as what i have in the picture that i am copying off.
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